I was a troll…

Sgt. Joe Friday apparently never said it, but this piece will be the Jack Webb version: “Just the facts, ma’am.” {Apparently he did often say: “All we want are the facts, ma’am”and sometimes “All we know are the facts ma’am”} It was the years 2000 and 2001. It was the years of the presidential election…

Deviled eggs

I just spent several minutes searching for an entry in my first journal. Well not actually my “first” journal, but the first one that has continued for any length of time. Sixteen hundred seventy seven days. Whodda thought I’d ever develop such discipline? The search was a washout. A dud. But, more accurately, the journal…

The test begins now….

This morning I’m thinking about lots of things. Some of them don’t matter all that much: …it’s Friday the 13th and the moon is full …will the ice keep me from attending day 2 of the Bass Pro Tournament of Champions? …will the omelet I just made taste as good as it looks? …will Wayne…

Thinking about firsts…

It’s the end of something. This is the last day of 2016. I’m looking back for a bit, while focusing on the future. I’m thinking about some firsts. 1. The first time I stepped foot in Oregon. We had driven a 2 car VW caravan from Washington, MO. Heading for Corvallis. Hoping she would be…

My life is Bountiful

I’m not sure when I started doing it. I think it was after Shelly and I moved in together in 2013, but it might have been before then. I read (or more accurately “skim”) the local paper most mornings in the lobby. I will sometimes send Shelly a text of her horoscope, and sometimes I…