First anniversary

I’ve been having trouble getting this started.
This is a hard “Anniversary” to think about.
It has been some kind of year.

It started on Sunday 9/17/23 with a tingling in my feet, that moved up my legs a bit that took us to the ER.
The next morning I woke up paralyzed from the shoulders down.
On Saturday the 16th we had seen the Ozark Mountain Daredevils for the first time…and I have literally seen hundreds of shows since moving back to Missouri in mid-2011.
5 other bands played that night. Several of the players are more than just Facebook friends.
And 5 days before that hellish morning I’d started another trip around the sun.
I’m 76 now.

It was probably Sept 26th or so before I could make myself remember 2 words. Those Two awful, life-changing words.
I’m still trying to accept the five syllables.
S/B easy enough.
I’ve been known to win a game or two of Trivia Pursuit or Jeopardy.
Memory wasn’t my problem. (Although it becomes more of one every day…)

Getting my body to do something/anything was The Problem.
That was all I was focused on.
It was all I could do just to get my right arm to lift off the bed. That took days.
Now I struggle to stand and to make my legs support me, as I waddle around, whether aided or not.

Those 2 words are Always there. They’ll never go away.
Transverse myelitis.
For some dumb reason I thought that maybe looking back at my journal for the few weeks before I was ambushed by TM would help.
All pretty mundane, normal day-to-day stuff. Trip to KC for music at Knuckleheads; unplanned trip across the state to get Dad and bring him to my sister’s; show at The Gillioz; 12K steps a day; and lots of garden activity. Just the normal stuff.

Then I took a peak at the Caring Bridge site that Shelly started on 9/22/23 to inform our friends about what was going on with me. The memories are painful…and the paralysis still doesn’t seem real.
The posts were hard to read….so I only skimmed them
But the comments weren’t…and I re-read them all.
{I love my friends. This thing that happened to me (and changed Shelly’s life too), makes it easy to find out who really cares about you.}
I decided that looking back wasn’t getting me anywhere.
So here’s what’s changed.

My large concert and music festival days are behind me. I really am fine with that. Somebody else can be the oldest person in the crowd.
But that won’t keep me away from house concerts.

My road trip days are changed. My legs just can’t be bottled up in a car for very long. There have been three-night get-aways to AirBnB’s within a couple of hours of home. Soon we’ll venture the farthest from home since TM, heading to the Wichita area for the 40th bday celebration of Shelly’s firstborn.

We’ve had more dinner guests in the first 9 months of 2024 than we had in the previous 10 years since we began cohabitating.
That has been a joy.
But I have to tell them 2 things soon after they arrive: (1) I may have to get up and hurry to the toilet…and I have no idea how long I might be; (2) I have no control over the sounds of flatulence.
When I told this to my friends from Hotlanta who came to visit, it wasn’t two minutes until I loudly passed gas.
My BFF immediately said “somebody stepped on am duck!” and the four of us laughed and laughed. (Shelly and I still laugh about that…and crickets and spiders and frogs and…)

I never was the most flexible person, but TM has really stiffened my body. When I got back in the apt after 38 days away, I could not touch my ankles. Now I can pull my compression socks on and off. It takes awhile.
So does putting on a pair of underwear. That can take a looong time. But I can do it. (Getting them off can be a workout!)

I’ve always had a high pain threshold…and I have dentists in OR, FL, and MO who will attest to that.
But this TM pain is something else.
The burning, tingling nerve pain is always there.
There is the pain from sitting. (Now I know what my Dad means when he says his “butt bone” hurts…)
Standing unleashes pain in the hips and knees. Tightness like they are wrapped tighter and tighter the longer I stand.
Then there is the tightness and heaviness in the back when I stand for awhile.
Some days the worst pain is in my feet.

(I can NOT believe that when I wrote the P blurb in “Through the alphabet with TM” the only thing I mentioned was Physical Therapy. I wouldn’t be where I am now without the therapists…but how could I have not mentioned the Pain??)
[I didn’t mention Spasms in the S section either…and those are quite the treat, especially the first 5-10 minutes of every day.]

OK, enough of that.
(especially that whining about pain…everyone has somethings…many much worse than me!)
What do I have to celebrate on this One Year Anniversary??

  1. I am able to walk.
    It’s not pretty.
    It’s terribly slow.
    First thing in the morning I need a walker.
    Most of the time I walk unaided in the apartment.
    When we’re leaving the property I use a cane or a walking stick.
    When we head for the garden it’s with a Rollator, so I can sit.
    But there is no wheelchair anywhere to be found in the apartment.
    Thank you baby Jesus!!!
  2. TM didn’t hammer me above the shoulders.
    When I talk to friends on the phone, they often say “You sound good.” (I’ve been hearing that since the first week in the hospital….of course I sound good. I have a great voice!)
    I can still read: magazines, books, on my tablet…but I do watch more TV than I did b4 TM.
    My mind works OK…but once in awhile it does take me down dark roads.
  3. I never needed speech therapy.
    I can still spew disjointed stories and go on profanity-laced rants. (I’m trying to reduce the 4 letter words…but the rants and the branching-off-branches are here to stay. Maybe some repetition too…”I’m a broken record”. )
    {And it is a year divisible by 4…in which my prolonged rants can increase in volume.}

I have several friends who I talk to much more often on the phone than I did b4 TM. What a blessing and a joy that has been. They know who they are.

But the vast majority of the calls are initiated by me. (I no longer leave vmails. I’ve encountered too many “mailbox is full” messages leading me to think that people don’t check messages…)
Give me a call sometime. (417-379-6817) Send me a text and let’s put a date on our calendars.

4. I celebrate and am thankful for all the friends I’ve made over the years. The invite list for my wake would include folks from coast-to-coast.
I have a list called “I wanta hear you voice”…and I try to call every person on the list every year. I haven’t been in the same room with some of them for over 30 years. (And unless they come to SW Missouri it’s not likely we’ll be making eye contact ever again….)

5. I’m thankful that Shelly Drymon is my partner.

6, I’ve grateful that Shelly Drymon is my Rock.

7. I’m happy that Shelly Drymon was there for me long before she drove me to the ER that fateful day.
After I came home it took awhile before she would leave me for more than the time it took to make a trip to Aldi and the library.
Now she’s a little more comfortable with being away for a few hours.
I often say that “I’m a lucky old coot” but I’ve never been luckier than when Shelly took a chance on me after I reached out to her on OK Cupid.
We both look at our FB memories daily, and as this anniversary approached some of those from September’s past and my birthdays from were kinda hard.
For me, they evoked lots of Jimmy V moments…laughs, thoughts, and tears.
Ok, here’s the lede:
I LOVE every day of my life.
Some of them aren’t all that much fun.
Compared to the alternative, I’m gonna enjoy every bite of every sandwich and I’m gonna do everything I can to Be.
Just Be.
Love conquers all.

Vote early.
Vote often.
At every opportunity.

Finding laughs in a TM world

I can’t help myself…
I know I shouldn’t do it…
I’ve read many “experts” telling me that I shouldn’t do it…
But a few months ago, essentially a homebody thanks to being ambushed by Transverse Myelitis, I started doing it: answering “suspected spam” calls.

Oftentimes I can show self restraint.
I have even gone a week or two without giving in, no many how many calls I got.
But then my phone displays “Suspected Spam” and I can’t manage to help myself. I give in to the urge, hoping to entertain myself a bit and waste the time of the cretin on the other end. (Shelly has overheard many of the calls, and had to stifle her laughter to keep from giving away what I was doing. My attempts to disguise my voice also had her chuckling…)

I’ve probably given in 40 times over the past 120 days.
For awhile, almost all of them were calls trying to get my Medicare information.
They opened by saying that they were from Medicare Support and wanted to know if I had received the “new plastic medicare card.”
There is NOT a plastic Medicare card.
(They’ve been making these scam calls since at least 2018.)

At first I said that I already had a plastic card…in fact I had “received a few” of them. They usually hung up fairly quickly, so I had to change my approach.
When I told them that I hadn’t received a plastic card, they would start with their questions…and I would say I’d have to find my paper card and ask to be put on hold.
Then 6 or 8 minutes later I’d say that I found it and the fun would begin.

When they asked for a key piece of information (the effective date for Medicare) I had some fun.
Sometimes I’d say a date in 1964. (Medicare started in ‘65; if I was 65 in 1964, I’d be 125.)
One time I said that the effective date was in 1926 (the year my Dad was born). That’d make me 163. They’d asked me to repeat it a couple of times before they’d hang up.

If I didn’t give them a crazy start date, they’d go after what they really needed: a Medicare number.
At first I’d make something up, making sure it was in the correct format.
But now when they ask for the number, I give them shit for being scam artists preying on senior citizens….and tell them to “Google plastic Medicare cards.”
A couple of times it was obvious that the caller had no idea they were part of a scam. I believe that they honestly thought they were helping old people. Sad. (But everyone needs to pay the rent…)
The most prevalent calls for awhile were calls from folks saying they’re police or firefighters pacs.
Some of them start with a real person saying they’re gonna pass me to a recording. In that case, I quickly ask to be put on their “Do not call list”…and they hang up.
When I let them pass me to the AI recording, I test it out by saying I want to donate at a level other than their canned amounts.
This makes the AI go crazy.
I also give the AI fits by agreeing to their amounts but by giving them made up credit card information.
These calls quickly quit being any fun…and perhaps the request for the do not call list really worked.
And then there are the discount drug callers.
I usually start with a prescription drug, e.g. oxycontin or prozac. (They say they can’t do oxy, but can ship prozac WITHOUT a script!!)
Then I ask for psilocybin (they search their database and can’t find it!) and THC gummies (they laugh and say No to those).
Next I ask about Methaqualone and Biphetamine 20. (That stumps them…quaaludes and black beauties have been off the market for a loooong time. Oh, well…those were the days.)
I also stumped them with Delysid….Lysergic acid diethylamide.
I’ve only answered a handful of those drug calls, but they were entertaining.
It’s been a couple of weeks since I gave in and answered a number that is not in my contact list, but I’m sure I’ll give in again.
Hopefully it will be the Medicare scammers or the drug pushers.
They’re the most fun….and in a TM world, fun is where you can find it.

Tricky Dick Resigns

On August 8, 1974, fifty years ago today, Richard Milhous Nixon announced that he would resign the presidency of the United States the next day.
And this at-the-time hardcore news junky didn’t know until a couple of days later that the most corrupt U.S. president (until 43 years later) was finally gone.

Several days before that, my girlfriend (23 weeks later we’d be married) and I loaded up in her 1974 VW Super Beetle and headed to her draft-dodging brother’s place in Calgary, Alberta. Her Mom (who seemed OLD at the time…she was 62!) was in the backseat for the 1,860 miles.
We drove thru the night (aided by a supply of benzedrine), stopping only for gasoline and potty breaks. (We were too poor, in too big a hurry, and too wired to stop for a motel.)

We spent one night at Greg’s before Paula and I headed for the mountains early the next morning…8/8/74. (We were horny and jonesing for the joints we’d hauled with us.)
The first time we got nekkid in Canada was a few hours later when we charged into the woods with a blanket.
After the action, we noticed a rack of deer ribs stripped clean about 20 yards away from us…along with a mound of bear scat. Yikes. Back to the Super Beetle asap!

We froze our asses off camping for a couple of nights in the Canadian Rockies, then we headed back to Calgary where we learned that Tricky Dick was gone.
And the Celebration began…48 hours late.

We headed to Banff and Jasper with her brother and Mom the next day. We got the tour of Calgary. Then we headed to Spokane for Expo ‘74, officially known as the “International Exposition on the Environment”….the first World’s Fair to focus on the environment.

The return trip to MO was another haul, but a few things are stuck in my memory. (1) We left Spokane, WA at 6 or 7 in the evening and I drove for 16 hours without a break…even though the bennies were gone. (2) At about 3 or 4 in the morning “Radar Love” came on…I cranked it up LOUD…and looked in the rear view mirror to see my wide-eyed wide-awake future mother-in-law!! (3) We took a short nap at a rest area on I-25. They went to the restroom first, and told me it was disgusting. Were they ever right…I nearly gag at the thought.

We were ecstatic that Nixon was gone….and disgraced.
But he was a choirboy compared to the dictator wannabe who lost by 7 Million popular votes in 2020, by 306-232 electoral votes, who lost 61 of 62 pathetic legal challenges, who incited an insurrection, who blatantly tried to STEAL the state of Georgia, who stole and was reckless with Top Secret Documents, & much much more.
Yet the demented, deplorable, dumbass is leading in the polls for now. MIND BOGGLING….and has me reacting like I did when I walked into that I-25 restroom. Makes me sick.
Come on America.
We can do Better.
We are NOT going back!!!

Thru the alphabet with Transverse Myelitis: Part 3 of 3

On Sept 18, 2023 I woke up in the Critical Decision Unit at Cox South hospital and was paralyzed from the shoulders down. I couldn’t move a finger.
My diagnosis is Idiopathic Acute Transverse Myelitis. (John Hopkins says there are 1,400 cases of TM annually in the US.)

See Part 1 (A thru L) HERE

See Part 2 (M thru T) HERE

U = UTI (urinary tract infection)
UTI’s are generally more common in women than in men. But long term catheter usage is a UTI risk for anyone.
I took the second ambulance ride of my life recently. It was after my second ever syncope event. (The other one has a longer story: Thanksgiving, “in-laws”, heavily herbalized, not enough H2O, 50 mile ambulance ride.)
This time I passed out on the couch and thrashed around a bit and Shelly did the right thing by calling 911. Our apartment rapidly filled up with EMTs, first responders, cops, and ambulance folks. (I think the count topped at 10 of us…)
I spent three hours in the ER after the 1.8 mile ride. When they figured it out, the nurse hooking me up said “you’ve got a raging, angry UTI.”
I left with a prescription for Ciprofloxacin after IVs of saline and antibiotic. After the cultures were back a few says later, my primary boosted the dose and strength of the Cipro.
Rose & Dr. Trinca have been changing my catheter every month since I came home from the hospital. We thought our twice a day catheter care at home was fine. We have now stepped up our hygiene game.
I hope to someday say adios to catheters and to be able to take a pee against a tree, on a fire, or on a grave again…to have taken my last ride in an ambulance…and to have had my last “raging, angry UTI.”

V = Vacuuming
Before I was hit by TM, I was retired and a “house husband.”
I did our laundry. I did the bulk of our grocery shopping. I cleaned the bathrooms and mopped the floors. Nightly I’d clean up the kitchen and wash the dishes by hand. The next morning I’d put the dishes away.
And I’d vacuum the apartment a couple of times a week. (There is wall-to-wall in the living/dining room and both bedrooms.)
I always liked to vacuum. No shit. (Friends will attest that when I’ve spent a night or two at their place that I always offered to vacuum.)
On April 12 I ran a vacuum for the first time in 7 months. Just doing the living room wore me out.
Now I vacuum a couple of times a week, and more often if we have guests.
It doesn’t sound like much, but being able to run the vac and not lose my balance seems like a big deal in a TM world.
{It still wears me out. Thank you TM for destroying my stamina!}

W = 5 W’s and an H
Who: Me…and according to Johns Hopkins, about fourteen-hundred other Americans every year.

What: Diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis (see T in Part 2 of 3)

When: Out of the blue in my case. On 9/17/23 at 2 pm the ball of my right foot felt weird. The next morning I woke up paralyzed from the shoulders down. (Onset is slow/gradual for others.)

Where: Springfield, MO. 15 nights in the Neuro ward at Cox South Hospital. 23 nights at the Meyer Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Hospital.

Why: No idea of the cause. The doctors don’t know either…that’s why my chart says “idiopathic.” My concern has always been to get better from and learn how to live with TM…not what caused it.

How: Some folks are intent in finding out what caused their case….“How did I get it?!”
I have never cared about that. (Once again, see T for list of causes…)
Shelly and I both think the cause might be a UTI that was missed and untreated for 7 to 10 days in late August of 2023.
And I most certainly do NOT believe that “things happen for a reason”…what malarkey.
(I have tested positive for Covid a couple of times and didn’t wonder about how I got that either…)
Shit happens…that’s all it ever does…and TM is some nasty shit.

[The Five Ws and an H is a checklist used in journalism to ensure that the first paragraph (the “lead”) contains all the essential points of a story. As far back as 1913 reporters were taught that the lead should answer these questions.]

X = Xanadu…an idyllic, exotic, or luxurious place
Living with TM is certainly NOT like living in Xanadu.
{I struggled and struggled for a relevant word starting with X…struck out}

Y = Yearn
Yearn for yesterday….the time before being ambushed by TM. But that ain’t happening.
Yearn for a better tomorrow…and for a better day after that.
That’s what everyone should hope for every day…each and every one of us.

Z = Zevon
Warren Zevon not only gave the world music, but he also gave many of us a mantra: “Enjoy Every Sandwich.”
I’ve loved him since he opened for Jackson Browne in 1977 in Portland, Orygun. He hadn’t released “Excitable Boy” yet. (That song has always been one of my favorites.)
It’s maddening that the Rock&Roll HOF has never inducted him…especially in light of all the lame-ass “rock” musicians who have been inducted since his death almost 21 years ago on Sept. 7, 2003.
On October 30, 2002 I was in a hotel room in Virginia Beach. Warren was Dave Letterman’s only guest.
Three words he said that night, while talking about the recently diagnosed cancer that would soon end his life, became words to live by for me and many others.
I’m more committed to “enjoy every sandwich” now more than ever.
And the 3 words that I have been writing at the close of cards and letters (and FB posts) mean more than ever now too: “Be. Just Be.”


Laughter is better medicine than a laxative…

…especially when the laxative doesn’t seem to do much.
In Part 1 of “Thru the alphabet…” I promised that bowel challenges would get their own blog piece given that “dysfunctional anal sphincter activities” are characteristic of Transverse Myelitis.
{Warning: there is a long list of synonyms for bowel movements. This piece will include many of them.}
Being regular (or not) has been something that my Dad has talked about for as long as I can remember. For decades he ate a sizable bowel of All-bran every morning. In 2024 he mentions his bowels on at least 4 of the 7 times I call him every week.
Dad rarely goes on for more than 40 or 50 seconds about his bowels…but it seems much longer.
Over the years my sister and I (and on occasion Shelly&I) have talked about his obsession with pooping….or more accurately: Not pooping.
It drives me crazy. (But not as much as it does my sister.)
And now it’s me doing the talking…

I swore I’d never talk about my bowels to anyone (let alone write about it), and then on 9/17/23 I got ambushed by Transverse Myelitis and Everything changed.
Thank you very much TM…

Things that changed, as it relates to defecating and flatulence:
1. Since I got out of diapers as a toddler, no one but me had ever wiped my butt.
2. I used to be very regular. A couple of trips to the crapper before 9am and I had dropped my daily dung. (Never a dump after noon unless I ate a bad burrito…)
3. These were slam-bam-thank-you-ma’am visits to the shitter, i.e. no reading material required. (Sit…shit…wipe…outta there.)
4. Shelly and I have been living together since 8/1/13. I had never passed gas in her presence (or anyone else’s for that matter) …ever. (Now I have no control and am surprised, as are whoever is in ear shot, when I “step on a duck.”)
5. I probably talk about my irregular bowels now more than my Dad does…and I definitely talk to more people about my bowel frustrations than he does.
I spent 2 weeks in the hospital after I woke up paralyzed on 9/18/23. It was only the 3rd time in my 75 years that I spent the night in the hospital, and the first time that I wasn’t able to wipe my own ass…or to even know when I had shit myself (or farted).
The smell was the giveaway.
Many times it was a CNA who responded to my call. (They get the bulk of the shit duty, but oftentimes it was the RN that rolled me onto my side at the whiff of excrement or gas.)
More times than not it was merely a “smear.” It was almost never a fully formed doody. Often it was a false alarm. (Then there was the constipation and the enemas.)
At least 50 different people were summoned by my call light and my “I think I had an accident” plea while I was at Cox South. I’d usually make some lame attempt at a joke as they rolled me onto my side to check between my cheeks. (They’d often ask about the music coming from my Bose speaker. My room during the day was dubbed “party central.”)
My favorite “wiping asses” story while I was in the hospital is the conversation I had with a 19 year old working transport. She was wheeling me from my room to get an MRI. I asked her how long she had been doing this job and she said: “A few months. I’m a CNA student and I get a discount since I’m a Cox employee.”
My quick reply: “Boy-o-boy, you are gonna wipe a lot of asses!!!”
Her: “I don’t think so.”
Me: stifling a laugh. She seemed nice.
I didn’t have the heart to bust her bubble. (I’m sure that would come in due time.)
The next day, when a couple of CNAs were cleaning me up, I told them the story. They thought it was just too funny…
While I was in the rehab hospital I started the second round of potty training in my life. (I don’t remember the first. I’ll never forget this ongoing potty training experience….it’s a shitshow.)
After every meal they would get me onto the bedside commode. Many times it would be an Exercise-in-Futility. (Those now get abbreviated in my journal, e.g. “several EIFs this morning.”)
Having a successful shit and wiping my own ass was a joy for one and all. (It still is.) I was very happy to give them a turd or two to chart.
So how are things these days, 8 months after I’m back in the apartment after 34 days in the hospital?
In a word: Frustrating.
More EIFs than Successes.
I now keep something to read in my bathroom, as I sit and wait&hope&strain in hopes that my sphincter will open and I will hear the welcome sound of a shit splash.

I tell people that most days I feel like “my ass is full”…that I could shit at any minute. Except I can’t. If I had a Benjamin for every time I didn’t think I was gonna make it in time, but instead it was just another EIF, I’d be wealthy.
There have been very few times that I didn’t make it to the bathroom in time.
It has been awhile since I had an accident. But the fear is there…that I will fill my boxer briefs while I’m in public….and that has turned me into a bit of a recluse.
Along with the lack of bowel control comes the inability to control the release of gas, i.e. I can’t do anything to control farts. I try to always give guests a warning of what might happen…and then it does. “Embarrassing” doesn’t do this justice.

If there was a choice between being able to drive again or having control of my bowels and my bladder, it would be a no brainer.
I’d never be behind the wheel again. (And I loved road trips…)
TM Sucks.

Thru the alphabet with Transverse Myelitis: Part 2 of 3

On Sept 18, 2023 I woke up in the Critical Decision Unit at Cox South hospital and was paralyzed from the shoulders down. I couldn’t move a finger.
My diagnosis is Idiopathic Acute Transverse Myelitis. (John Hopkins says there are 1,400 cases of TM annually in the US.)

See Part 1 (A thru L) here

M = Mobility (and lack thereof)
The Cleveland Clinic says there are “muscle and movement issues caused by TM: loss of balance; difficulty walking (stumbling or dragging your feet); muscle spasms.”
All of those apply to me.
My Mobility will never be like it was before 9/18/23. It’s gotten better over the past nine months. But it still sucks. My mobility seems to have plateaued.
Even though I move around unaided in our apartment, I expect that I will always have a cane, walking stick, or rollator when I leave the apartment. [I’m not whining…I’m vertical and making noises.  Being immobile was a drag.]

{M-prime is MRI. TM can’t be diagnosed without a couple of MRIs: one with and one without contrast. Getting successful MRIs is challenging for someone as extremely claustrophobic as me. If I do need another MRI at some point we did learn the key: give me a shot of the strongest dose of Ativan possible…and make me promise not to press the panic button!}

[M-double prime is Myelin. When the spinal cord becomes inflamed this will damage myelin, the insulating material that covers your nerves. Loss of myelin has blocked my nerve impulses, i.e. stripped myelin has my nerve impulses screwed up. There is no medication to rebuild the myelin….and that SUCKS!!]

N = Neurological
TM is a neurological disease.
After the diagnosis and the “normal” treatments of IVIG, steroids, and plasma transfer, patients are pretty much on their own. (The Nurse Practitioner that I saw in the hospital was great.)
It becomes a matter of dealing with pain, PT & OT, and pushing oneself.
I’ve quickly learned that in the case of many neurological disorders, that after diagnosis and initial treatments the neurologist isn’t much help.
That is certainly my case.

O = Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy, or OT for short, is a health profession that helps you or your family member develop the skills needed for day-to-day activities.
“Occupation” includes all the activities or tasks that a person performs each day. For example: getting dressed, taking a shower, cooking a meal, getting together with friends, and working a job.
I had OT twice a day for most of the 24 days I was at the inpatient rehab hospital.
Then I had it twice a week for 2 months as an outpatient.
I can’t do many of the things I used to do around the house.
But I’m not helpless like I was for 6 weeks, e.g. I dust, vacuum, get the clothes from the hamper to folded in the basket, and i can shit/shower/shave unaided. For that and more I thank the OT folks.

P = Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is a medical treatment used to restore functional movements, such as standing, walking, and moving different body parts.
It took weeks before I could stand and walk with a walker.
I left PT over a month ago as my Medicare dollars were being exhausted and I chose to save some for later in the year “just in case.”
I’m grateful to every OT and PT professional who has helped me so far.

Q = Quitting
It’s not an option.
“Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up!”
(See D in part 1)

R = Resolve
I love this description of “strong resolve”:
“To strengthen one’s resolve means to reestablish one’s determination to see something through to completion especially after having encountered adversity and having become discouraged because of it.”
Shelly and I have “strong resolve.”

S = Spinal cord
A lesion from out of nowhere “blew up” my spinal cord.
Nobody knows what caused it…i.e. “idiopathic.”
Unlike some TM patients, I’m not interested in the cause. (See T, below)
Unfortunately there is no cure.
But there is a future…& it’s a future of living our Best Life and living it with TM.

{S-prime is Showering. Before TM, taking a shower was a refreshing, invigorating and pretty quick experience. Now I use a shower chair. I can’t step into the tub. First I sit, and then I lift my legs in. It is still a bit refreshing, but it’s also work. And from start to finish takes much longer now…}

{S- double prime is Shelly Drymon, my partner in this life since 2013. I often say/write that I’m a lucky old coot. Boy, am I ever. She is Prime alright!!! Shelly is Double Prime.}

T = Transverse Myelitis
TM…The Monster…The Mother******
The Johns Hopkins Transverse Myelitis Center (JHTMC) was established in 1999 as the first center dedicated to the study and research of transverse myelitis.
From their site:
“Transverse myelitis is a neurological condition. It happens when the spinal cord becomes inflamed. This inflammation can damage myelin, the insulating material that covers your nerves. Loss of myelin often leads to spinal cord scarring that blocks nerve impulses and results in physical problems.
Transverse myelitis is a relatively rare disease. It occurs most often in children ages 10 to 19 and in adults ages 30 to 39. But it can happen at any age, and to any gender or race.
In some cases, the exact cause of transverse myelitis is unknown. In other cases, the inflammation that leads to transverse myelitis can result as a side effect of a number of other health problems, such as:
Lyme disease; Syphilis; Measles; Viral infections; Bacterial infections; Fungal infections; Parasites; Immune system disorders; Autoimmune disorders, such as lupus;
After a vaccine (very rare)”

{T-prime = THC. I was a pothead “back in the day.” I rediscovered weed when I moved back to MO in 2011.
I hadn’t touched it for months after TM ambushed me. But I decided to give it a try to help with my pains.
It has helped with the pains…and more. It seems to help me sleep. And it has helped with my mindset…which is a bit of a challenge when living with TM.}

People who I’ve known for awhile are surprised that I “sound good…normal…” when we talk on the phone.
They’ve been saying that since the first few days after I woke up paralyzed.  I think the gabapentin has dulled me some.  I’m not quite as quick as i was…and my memory isn’t quite as good.  Add in that I’ll be 76 in <3 months.  But I’m still pretty good above the shoulders.

Transverse Myelitis.  It was several days after the diagnosis before I could remember those 2 words. I kept blotting them out. “What was it again? Write it down for me.”
Now those 5 syllables are burned into my being.
Fuck TM.

TO BE Continued….

Thru the alphabet with Transverse Myelitis: Part 1 of 3

A = Ambushed
On 9/17/23 I woke up at home after an evening of live music from 6 bands and late night pancakes smothered in strawberries and whipped cream at IHOP. (one of the scarce 24 hour places in a post-covid world)
The next morning I woke up in the Critical Decision Unit at Cox South hospital and was paralyzed from the shoulders down. I couldn’t move a finger.
My diagnosis is Idiopathic Acute Transverse Myelitis. (John Hopkins says there are 1400 cases of TM annually in the US.)
Idiopathic = “Your guess is as good as mine”
I blame it on IHOP for TM ambushing me.

B = Bowels and Bladder
TM is characterized by “dysfunctional urethral and anal sphincter activities.”
I have had a catheter in place since the morning of 9/18/23. At this point, I am totally unable to pee on my own. (I’ve taken uncomfortable tests to confirm.)
The bowel challenges are gonna get their own blog piece. (There will be smears, potty training, charting it, and EIFs {Exercises in futility}, and more…)

C = Calls from friends
The only thing that makes me feel better than phone calls to friends are calls from friends and Visits by friends.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of incoming calls I receive are spam. (I’ve started answering some of them. There are stories there…)
Thank goodness for the contingent of friends who call to check on me…or more importantly just to chat without focusing on “how are you doing?”
[Then flip side are the “I’ll call soon” messages followed by the calls that never come. Seems like everyone has a phone, but seldom use it to make and return calls.  This sequence of events is something we have all experienced…but it seems to sting more these days…]

D = “Don’t Give up. Don’t Ever Give up.”
The late Jim Valvano, as he was dying of cancer, gave one of the most memorable speeches on March 4, 1993 at the ESPYs.
I watch that speech, or an abbreviated version, a few times a year. I took it to heart a long time ago, but those words mean more now than ever before.
Take a few moments and watch a snippet:

E = Energy (and lack thereof)
I always considered myself a high energy person.
First one up.
Last one to go to bed.
Power nap after lunch to get a boost.
12K average steps a day. 6 miles.
I did get pooped on especially active days. (A 4:20 sativa boost sometimes helped…)
Now I poop out easily. Much too easily…
I still wake up early, but usually after 7 or 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. (Something that never happened b4 TM…and which many of my TM peers would love to experience. Insomnia afflicts many with transverse myelitis.)
I haven’t worn my stepcounter in almost 9 months. It would be depressing. And with my Tim-Conway-Like abbreviated and janky gait I hate to think how many steps it would take to walk a mile.

F = Feet
The first indication that something was wrong was the needles and pins sensation in my feet. The sensation has changed, but now I experience neurological pain in my feet and in many ways a lack of sensation. Hopefully someday I’ll be able to drive a car again…but I may not be able to use my feet to control the accelerator or brake.
I wear compression socks…and don’t have the flexibility and strength to put them on myself. (One of the many items on the long list of things that Shelly does for me daily…)
I know my feet are my contact point with the floor, but the sensation is minimal. Add in balance issues and walking is very different in a TM world.

G = Gabapentin
I take 800mg of it three times a day for nerve pain. I assume/believe it lessens the pain, which never goes away. And I won’t be stopping anytime soon just to see what the pain level might be w/o the drug.
{G-prime is for Gummies. THC gummies seem to lessen the pain even more…and they sure do enhance my afternoons and evenings. I laid off weed for months after getting out of the hospital, but it is enhancing my quality of life…so it’s here to stay.}
{G-double prime is for Gratitude. As Michael J. Fox wrote: “With Gratitude, optimism becomes sustainable.” Amen&Amen.}

H = Homebound
It’s easy to be homebound when ambulation is challenging, when you’re immune compromised, and when you have bowel and bladder challenges.
Shelly would like me to get out more than I do…but the B&B challenges are real PIAs.
Another compounding factor is that I had a mild case of covid in March and a nasty cold&fever a couple of weeks ago. My lagging energy level was even worse for the 7 to 10 days after whipping both of them.

I = Immune system
Johns Hopkins estimates that there are only 1400 cases of TM a year, so the research is limited. The jury is out on whether or not TM is an autoimmune disease.
But the fact that my immune system is significantly weakened is not a question….it’s a reality. {And it adds to my inclination to avoid enclosed public places and enjoy life in B307 and on our balcony.}

J = Just Be
I’ve been writing “Be. Just Be” on letters and cards since I was in high school. That perspective has never been more important than it is now.
Shelly’s and my life have changed significantly, but we do our best to look back at each day as having been a good one. Each evening we make sure that we appreciated the passing of time. One of us will ask the other: “was today a good day?”
Even on challenging days, the answer is always some degree of “Yes.

K = Keep on Keeping on
See “J” and “D” above.
We’ll continue to set goals…knowing that the target date might slip…or that the item might fall off the calendar.
We’ll enjoy every sandwich. (even though we only have bread in the house when we have homegrown tomatoes for BLTs…i.e. we seldom actually have a “sandwich.”)
Shelly keeps my spirits up…and pushes me to do more…and keeps me keeping on. {that leads to “L”}

L = Lucky
For the last decade+ I have closed many FB posts with “I am a lucky old coot.”
Maybe there was a better word than coot (codger…cynic…bastard??), but I considered myself lucky no matter what trials and hiccups a day or week might hit me/us with.
I still do consider myself lucky. Very lucky.
I’ll be 76 at my next birthday. No matter how fast you read, a few people in the US died b4 you got to this sentence. Some were younger than me…and younger than you.
That makes us lucky.
Some of the folks who have been in PT with me are <30 and wheelchair bound.
About 1/3rd of TM patients remain paralyzed and/or wheel chair bound.
That makes me Very Lucky.

TO BE Continued….

Not as easy as it sounds

“Sit to Stand”
It sounds so simple.
So very, very simple.
And then you get old.
Or get diagnosed with idiopathic acute Transverse Myelitis.
Or both.
I was diagnosed with TM about a week after I woke up paralyzed from the shoulders down. It took me about that long to remember those 2 words.
And lots, lots longer to be able to stand up.

“Sit to Stand” is a Physical Therapy exercise. (You can find pieces on “The Power of the sit to stand.” Google it. It is a Big Deal.)
There are measures and standards for the task. I don’t know or give 2 shits about either of them…especially the “standards.” I just know that standing up has become a very a big…and difficult…thing since that day in mid-September of 2023, days after my seventy-fifth bday.
(One factor in my perspective might be because of how far short of standard I now fall. And I gotta admit the bar seems pretty high. The chart at Physiopedia says that if you’re on Medicare and do less than 11 sit-to-stands in 30 seconds that you are below average…and a fall risk!! Time yourself.)

A “true” sit-to-stand means you can’t use your hands for assistance.
I wish!!
If the surface is high enough (and that most likely means a tall bed…but not any chair, couch, or any commode that I’ve encountered) I might be able to stand without using my hands.
Otherwise it’s a full body exercise to stand up.

I had recovered enough to attempt standing a couple of times before I left inpatient rehab on October 25.
The therapist would lower the mat an inch at a time.
When she got it as low as it would go I was screwed….standing wasn’t possible, no matter how hard I pressed on the mat with both of my arms.
Then Maddie told me that most chairs, couches and toilets are even lower.
Fuck Me!

My Dad (who will be 98 on May 26) spends most of his TV time in this low chair that is hard for anyone to get out of. (I don’t know how he does it!!)
As long as I have a chair with arms and the chair isn’t too low, getting up is doable….but it can be a struggle.
Neither Dad nor I need a lift chair. (The subject of our similar infirmities drops into many of our daily calls. That piece of furniture has never been a topic on our phone calls…at least not for either of us. We know people who benefit from and need the chair’s help…)

When I moved into The Abbey in October of ‘11 I had a dining table with four chairs…and a bean bag chair. That was all my furniture. Period.
I slept on a blowup bed for over a year…until I was talked into buying a box spring and mattress by Shelly. (I can’t imagine trying to get up from that fancy air mattress now. It would have to be “technique”…i.e., roll onto the floor, get on hands and knees… Yada yada.)

Bean bag chairs have been a pain in the ass since 1968.
I’ve owned, or encountered them, a few times.
The one I threw into the dumpster here in Springtown heard “never again” as I tossed it years ago.
WTAF was I thinking when I bought that thing?

In TM times, we now are doing lots of Adulting.
One thing we did was buy a new couch and chair.
It replaced ones that I paid 250 bucks for at a flea market back in 2011 when I moved to Springtown. We both loved those two pieces…but they looked like they shoulda been in a college student’s apartment…
(How that stuff made it from the north side flea market and finally up the two flights of stairs at The Abbey is a story for another day.)

That checkered couch&chair were comfy, and stained, and in need of covering. Since no “standard” covers would fit the oversized pair, a set of very $pendy custom covers was the only option.
Hard pass.
So instead Shelly headed for one of Ashley’s never ending sales. (I consulted from afar. She sent me pictures…)
I spend most of my time on the new couch, and it is a tiny bit easier to stand up from than old faithful was.

Whether it’s watching sports, Jeopardy, or streaming, when there is a commercial break I Stand Up. Sometimes I stay up and do some of my PT “homework.” Other times I do a few sit-to-stands.
Others I struggle to stand and cuss my legs and my pathetic glutes. (Shelly used to tease me about my “cute butt.” Transverse myelitis blew it up. Lame glutes makes standing very difficult…)

I’m sitting here listening to my first audiobook: “No time like the future…an optimist considers mortality” by Michael J. Fox.
On Saturday an acquaintance suggested audiobooks as I lamented my lack of interest in reading (which I blame on nerve pain and gabapentin).
GREAT suggestion Pat….I appreciate it.
Not sure why I picked this book…but so far it’s Great too.
The book is “A moving account of resilience, hope, fear and mortality, and how these things resonate in our lives…”

Listening to him read his memoir is gonna make me stop whining about sit-to-stand. (Don’t be a whiny bitch Steve…for cripes sake!!!!)
Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson’s at age 29. At 57 he had complex spinal surgery unrelated to Parkinson’s that threatened him with paralysis.
Seeing young folks in wheelchairs at therapy has always been eye-opening and a shot of reality too.

It wasn’t that long ago that I was “wheelchair bound.”
Today I vacuumed the apartment.
It took awhile.
It wore me out.
I had to take a break.
But first I had to stand up.
I’ll keep getting better at it.
Commercial breaks will see to that.  (And man-o-man are there a LOT of them!!!)

I’m calling it a Milestone

At the end of 2023 I wrote on Caring Bridge: “I may post again when there is a major milestone, e.g. walking unaided…But that might be posted to my blog instead…” (unless I have a relapse, the Caring Bridge site will sit as Blog it is)

I began walking short distances unaided a couple of months ago….twice a week and with a Physical Therapist beside me, holding onto the gait belt wrapped around my body.

Shelly and I started practicing here in the apartment a week or so ago. Recently we jettisoned the gait belt while inside the apartment and it progressed to what you can see in the short attached video.

While I don’t wear a yellow bracelet, I am a fall risk. (especially when you consider my lifelong klutziness…) I’m pretty careful…maybe too much so.

Therapists have pointed out that I need to have more confidence in my abilities, but I know what a broken hip could mean to a clumsy septuagenarian.

My gait is getting better as I try to focus on “heel-toe” and taking longer steps…but “high stepping” is a long ways away. (in the video you can see that I’m barely clearing the carpet.) Even with my walker, tall curbs are challenging.

Steps without handrails?

Forget it!!

(Heck…forget steps in general.)

When I was in the hospital for 38 days I often said “I’ve always been determined, but not all that disciplined.” I need to be more disciplined and dedicated, but the constant nerve pain and lack of stamina increase the challenges. {Being a contrarian sometimes isn’t the smartest thing…}

I’m a high pain threshold guy (i’ve had dentists from coasts to coasts tell me that), but the transverse myelitis pain is never below a 2or3. The spasms boost it by at least a factor of 2or3. The tightness around my knees and hips compounds things. (Sometimes it feels like I have braces around my lower half)

But I’m at the point that grinning and bearing it seems to be the answer, along with lots of gabapentin and some self-medicating with thc gummies and/or a vape pen.

Stamina, or the lack thereof, is maddening. I used to do 12 thousand steps a day and not think twice. Sometimes double that. Now 12 hundred steps wears me out.

I used to carry a watermelon in a bag under one arm and a bag of groceries in the other up the steps to our third floor apartment. Now I avoid steps. (Soon we’ll see if I can lift a watermelon…)

I used to dig in the dirt with a pitchfork and a spade in 5 4×4 boxes. Now loosening the soil with a hand tool in one has me needing a break.

The good friend who wrote is right: “The endurance will come over time & with repetition.”

So was Jimmy V: “Don’t give up…Don’t ever give up!!”

I’ve watched the video a few times, and I gotta tell you that it doesn’t feel as good as it looks!! I don’t feel like Tim Conway, but it feels awkward and janky.

And it feels GREAT!!

I passed it along earlier to a handful of people. The replies had me thinking/laughing/crying (tears of joy). {Jimmy V moments make life worth living.}

So do friends….and their support.

That’s awesome! You have come a long way!”

This is beautiful, Steve, even if it’s a shame that it’s so exhausting.”

Oh man, I am smiling so big! This is incredible, Steve!!! Hard work is paying off! ????????????????????????”

This is such a great step! Or should I say steps! Thanks for sharing. You go!”

I am so impressed. I can’t imagine how much perseverance and hard work is behind all this. You are the MAN! And, way to go, Shelly!!” {this one from a cancer survivor with long term issues…it opened the flood gates}

Very good…..wear a path in that carpet!!!????”

Not gonna list them all. They know who they are…and that I love them.

I’m grateful and lucky.

Nobody is gonna see me walking unaided for awhile(other than Shelly and the folks at the therapy gym).

When we leave The Abbey, you’ll probably see me on a walker. Maybe a cane. And with best caregiver ever!!! (am I a lucky old coot or what?! OkCupid was very good to me!!)

Unaided walking will be inside the apartment or at PT…and there will be a gait belt when I’m at Cox.

Swing by here and you can see for yourself!!

I’d love to show off for you…give you a hug…and hear your voice.

Be. Just Be.


The TM Experience Continues

Tempus fugit…or some such shit…
When I last posted (on 11/24/23) I expected to post a week or so later about my second week in the hospital with lots of goodies from “my gizmo” (the dictaphone that I wrote about in that post).
November 24 was almost 90 days ago?!?!
WTAF have I been doing since?
I did send out a Christmas e-mail with a jib jab, news about what happened to me on 9/17 and a couple of links to songs worth a listen or two.
And I dropped 450 words on Dec 30 on Caring Bridge wrapping up postings there for awhile re my Transverse Myelitis until there is a major milestone.
Both of those resulted in some enjoyable communication with friends near and far. E-mails & calls. Good times.

But mostly the elapsed time has been spent, in no particular order: doomscrolling; streaming; sleeping (since I came home I sleep more hours a night and naps are rare now??); watching hoops; listening to music (checked out a Lot of albums nominated in various Grammy categories. haven’t watched the show in decades…but there is some good new music…don’t listen to those stodgy and close-minded who say otherwise); texting and emailing; on the phone a bit (mostly calls I initiate. The majority of my in-coming calls read “Suspected spam.”); therapy (with “professionals” and with Shelly); and wrapping my head around life with TM (it’s a 24×7 exercise).

Since I’ve been so derelict about posting to my blog (it essentially died during covid…but that is gonna change) this piece will be long (and it will bounce around like my conversations do. Be prepared for tangents… {and lots of parentethicals})
If all you care-about/wanta-know is the answer to “how are you doing Steve?”: I’m upright and still pretty normal above the shoulders (normal??).

–Not getting out much. Because of TM, no vaccines for me so I’m keeping my distance. (Plus with my TM ravaged nerves, my body doesn’t like cold at all!)
–A walker will be taking me most places for awhile, but Shelly and I do some “cane walking” (and the occasional & short “no device” walk in the apartment).
–Driving is not anywhere close to near term. (Shelly is a great chauffeur. But she likes to be driven around…and that day is coming again {hoping for ‘24})
–PT twice a week for awhile at Cox Outpatient (and exercises at home daily).
–My stamina ain’t what it used to be. I was averaging 12K steps a day b4 9/17/23. Now a quarter mile walk with my therapist requires a break and a glass of water.
If you read on, there are a few snippets from the gizmo and a more detailed ramble, but be warned that it might verge into “TMI” (I’ve shared/subjected-people-to even more specifics on the phone…if we haven’t talked, you’re missing out!).
One thing I now talk about in my Transverse Myelitis world (that I seldom talked about with anyone before {including with Shelly! Boy-o-boy has TM changed our daily existence…}) are Bodily Functions.

Regarding the plans I had for a piece from my second week in the hospital and another from my 3 plus weeks at Meyer for inpatient rehab, it turns out that a lot of the stuff I dictated while in both the hospital and the rehab hospital was day-to-day, with a focus on people who visited or called or gave me therapy….or the meals. (I ate LOTS of salmon and asparagus and chicken potpie at the rehab hospital!)
The gizmo captured a lot of the mundane.

After that late November post, I discovered a FB group for Transverse Myelitis. I like the perspective of most people in the group: no looking back, no speculating about the cause, no wallowing in the past.
Instead focus on today and the future…living each day.
1. Day. @. A. Time.

From the gizmo with a tie to where I am today:

Gizmo at 7:50 am on Monday, Sept 25: “I had two successes today. One was that I was able to pick up a little thing of grapes. Drop it on my plate and pick up each grape and successfully put it in my mouth.” My doc laughed when I told him: “Heck Steve..I drop stuff all the time.” (for the first few weeks, all my eating was with my left hand. TM hammered my right side more than my left…)

“And the other success was this afternoon in PT, with Courtney. She got me to sit up on the side of the bed. And then she asked me to stand up, and I stood up four times! Hard to believe. It was shaky and I needed lots of help. Standing up was huge.”

It’s important to note that I didn’t “stand up” on the floor…I stood up on a device called the “SA400 sit-to-stand patient lift.” I used my arms to pull myself up…my legs were “just there.” They were no help. Standing up really meant that I was vertical for the first time in a week.
And “got me to sit up” meant that she helped me drag both legs off the side of the bed and helped me pull up to a sitting position.

In response to my “standing” Shelly posted this on 9/25 on Caring Bridge: “We both cried it was so great to see.” (We cried until we laughed…)
She also posted a couple of short videos on 9/22…and I’m glad I don’t know how to include them here, especially the one of my right hand. It was scary how messed up I was 4 days in.

Standing has gotten easier over the past 5 months…but it’s still not easy.
One of the exercises I’m doing in PT in Feb 2024 is “sit and stand.” (That is as simple as it sounds. Simple, but NOT easy.)
Depending on the height of what I’m sitting on, I might even be able to stand without holding onto anything.
But I can’t stand up if I’m sitting on the couch without pushing off of the arm and the cushion.
And I can’t get off the toilet unless there are grab bars. (Have you ever noticed how low the standard toilet is?!?)
Standing up uses the glutes…and TM wiped mine out.
Sept 28 from the gizmo: “It was an awful day yesterday. Perhaps the worst day of my life other than when my Mom died and later when John Crudele died.”
Here’s the summary of that awful experience (I went on for over 500 words talking into the gizmo): my catheter got pulled out of my bladder and into my enlarged prostate. Severe back pain and stomach pain for several hours. Confusion on who could replace the catheter. Had my first ever morphine. Helped briefly. Shift change. Catheter finally replaced. 2000 ml of urine immediately fills the bag.
I felt like I was gonna die for hours.
If my bladder had burst, I probably would have.

[The gizmo left out the part about me telling Shelly and my sister what I wanted to have happen when I died. (I’m not sure how scared they were, but I was scared plenty…)
Cremation. No funeral. A Celebration of Life at The Rock House. A headstone and a few ashes at the Weiss Cemetery outside Doe Run, MO. Some ashes sprinkled at the Oregon coast and at Gulf Shores, AL.]

Almost five months into TM, I still have a catheter and will for the foreseeable future.
It’s right there in the wikipedia description of Transverse Myelitis: “dysfunctional urethral and anal sphincter activities.” (the latter is gonna get it’s own blog post.)
I had a uroflowmetry procedure several weeks ago. At that time, my bladder and urethra were too weak for me to pee. Hopefully that will change…
But until then, I can drink mass quantities of H2O and not worry about how many times I’ll get up at night. I can eat mounds of asparagus and not care about how much my pee stinks.
Sept 29: “Got to the gym in a wheelchair. But my blood pressure just bottomed out. I think the last reading was like 72/40.” PT got me back in bed.
Sept 30: “Today was the first day I took any steps. Walking the parallel bars. It’s going to be a slow process.” The 10 or “steps” included a therapist in front of me clutching my gait belt and a tech following close behind with a wheelchair. (This was 13 days after we headed for the ER.)
If I hadn’t taken those few steps I wouldn’t have been moved to an in-patient rehab hospital 2 days later. It would have been to a “skilled nursing facility”…i.e. a nursing home.

On October 2, 2023 I was transported to the Meyer Orthopdeic and Rehab Hospital. The typical stay is 7 to 14 days. I was discharged 24 days later. For the first 10 days I still needed the SA400 to get from the bed to the wheelchair. It was a week before I could sit up on the side of the bed without assistance. The only time I walked using a walker was in the gym with a therapist.

I improved a lot at Meyer. I had 2 hours of OT and 2 of PT 5 days a week, and a couple of hours total on the weekends. 3 of the sessions with OT involved taking a shower and getting dressed.
Those showers were ordeals and tiring. (With time they’ve gotten easier…but I will be using a shower chair for the foreseeable future. It did get easier after the haircut that first weekend at Meyer that resulted in a 14.5 inch ponytail to donate to Wigs for Kids.)
While there was significant improvement, I was still using the wheelchair when I returned to the apartment on Oct. 25.
Now it sits in a corner, unless I sit in it on the balcony or at the dinner table. (Those chairs are too low for me to be able to stand without help…)

After Meyer I received OT and PT at Ozarks Neuro Rehab. I “graduated” from there when I was discharged from OT, which focuses on the tasks of daily living. They also work on upper body strength and manual dexterity.
RE the latter, at every exercise I let the therapist know that I never had all that much manual dexterity to begin with. I did have some upper body strength b4…but not nearly as much now. (I haven’t encountered a jar that I haven’t been able to open. Yet…)

I’m currently getting PT twice a week at Cox Outpatient. The focus is on mobility and balance. At therapy I walk with no device and a therapist hanging onto my gait belt….we’re working on improving my step length.
I’m not “tim conway” but my stride is short.
In and out of the apartment I get around using a walker. As I said before, Shelly and I practice walking with a cane or “unaided”, but I’m not ready to go it alone…or outside B-307.
A few things that I didn’t list above:
–I have constant nerve pain in both legs and feet. It’s a shooting, stabbing and burning sensation. When I wake up there are always spasms. The first thing they ask in therapy is if you have pain. I’m always a 2. (If they’d ask when I’m having a spasm it would be a 7 or 8. {Dentists have always told me that I have a pain threshold…just sayin’})

–There is this “banding” thing with TM. It’s a bandlike tightness, often around the belly. I also have it around my knees. All the time around both knees. (only on occasion around the belly…) It feels like I have tight knee braces on All The Time. It’s pretty maddening!

–I’ve often posted my “Monday routine” on FB (usually with a link to a song on Youtube before and after the day’s tasks).
I was a house husband. I put out the garbage. I put away dishes. Did laundry. Stripped and made the bed. Made a run to the library&Aldi. Swept the kitchen. (Some Mondays I dusted and mopped the kitchen and bathrooms.) Vacuumed. Got in 10-12K steps. Most likely I celebrated 4:20.
I “graduated” Occupational Therapy on 1/5/24…but I can’t do ANY of those things today. I do fold the laundry. I can use a broom and dustpan. (And after a several month layoff I did come across some aged gummies and a working vape pen. )

–I don’t read as much as I did before 9/18. I’m thinking it’s one of the many side effects of the 800mg 3x a day of gabapentin. (Some of my magazines barely get touched before they’re headed to a downstairs table to share.) My tablet keeps me company awhile every day with NYT and WaPo. (I read lots of headlines, but seldom launch a story that’s more than 6 or 8 minute read.)
Gabepentin is for the nerve pain. But there is NOTHING to rebuild nerves. They’ll heal (if they ever do) on their own sweet time.

–I’ve made lots of specific goals/targets/wishes since late September ‘23. Surprisingly most of them are music related. LOL.
I’ve bought tickets to shows that I had to give away.
I hope it’s not the last time. (I like treating folks to live music…)

I’ll/We’ll keep making plans and buying tickets. Shelly has encouraged me to stop buying tickets in the near term, but she knows I’ll never really stop. I’ll just be very selective about the venue and the artist.
I hope to take in some house concerts and local shows…but I’m leary of small&packed rooms.
I don’t expect to be going anytime soon/ever to any festivals that require much walking or venues with lots of stairs.

My quantity of live music will never be the same as it has been the last dozen years since moving back to Missouri and discovering The Rock House….and having “my musical epiphany.”
But it will still Be.
Not a whole lotta people that I know have seen as much live music as I have.
I know that I am a lucky…and very Grateful… old coot.

–I’m not sure how to reply to people saying to me that Shelly & I are inspirational..or whatever it is they say.
I think we’re just a couple of introverts being very open about what is going on.
When we “were courting” we shared our picnics on FB. TM is a very different kind of picnic that we’re being open about.
But Believe me, I get choked up and sincerely appreciate every time friends (and FB friends who I may have never had a conversation with) say such nice things, make compliments, tell me they’re praying.
I don’t do the third component (crying) of a “Jimmy V Day” each and every day, but there is lots of laughing and thinking every day at our place.
Kind words and encouragement always leads to tears,

–A couple of my friends surprised me when they said something like this: “so you were really sincere with that every sandwich line?”
What the Fuck???
Of course I was sincere.
Enjoy the Reuben or Veggieburger….or waterfall or sunset. Eat it all up. Cherish it.

I didn’t name this blog “Things Happen” because I buy into that lame-ass “everything happens for a reason” thinking.
Get Real.
Things happen until they Don’t.
U Gotta Enjoy Every Day. (There will some Hellish days. Yeah there will be. But compared to the alternative, I’ll take alive&breathing. Thank U Very Much.)

I’m often a broken record. Sometimes it’s new and different.
But somethings never change:
Enjoy Every Sandwich.
Don’t be stingy with your hugs.
Tell them that you love them. Now.
Be. Just Be.