JMC called it…

I can hear John Crudele’s voice in my head like it was yesterday, but it was almost 20 years ago. Cancer took away JMC, his wisdom and his perfect answers over 3 years ago. But I’m pretty sure that if could ask him the very same question today, that there would only be a slight…

Crazy thoughts….

…i have them all the time: crazy thoughts. I’m not alone. But then again, we all are… I’ve been thinking about this eclipse hysteria. I’ve had a pair of “shower thoughts” about this craziness. Today I’m seeing pictures of people flocking to “viewing spots” in mass. I have no idea what and where the largest…

Gimme Something Good

It’s been 43 days since June 27 and my last post to this blog. On August 1, 2017 I saw a great show by Ryan Adams at The Pageant in St. Louis. The first four lines of the 3rd song of the evening pretty much describes my state of mind since my 6/27/17 post: “I…