It’s an Anniversary

A year ago I posted my initial blog entry. I wrote that the elapsed time between starting the introductory piece and posting it was about 11 months. This was on top of a few years of internal dialogue about “putting myself out there.” I was prolific for awhile, posting 10 musings in the month of…

First day of Winter 2016: Let there be music

The first evening of winter (meteorologically speaking….a story for another day) was pretty special this Dec. 1, 2016: the Bottle Rockets at Lindberg’s…a Great band at the oldest tavern in Springfield. Several friends in attendance to share the evening with made it an even more special night. Marshall Crenshaw was there too, but the evening…

Heroes and Villains

I’ve had had a few “heroes” in my life. Not so much anymore. I’m old now, but I do still have a hero or two…in addition to the fellow whose picture just took that “place of honor” on FB once again as my Profile photo. Many of my childhood heroes were sports figures, and most…

5 years on…and counting

I’ve told several people recently about “a chain of events…things that happened” so I might as well write it down…. The story I’ve been telling is very linear. 1. In late August of 2011, a woman I was exchanging messages with on a dating site told me about house concerts being held at a place…