Epiphany #1

It was spring of the year 2000. The world had survived the Y2K scare…amazingly using a 2 digit year hadn’t brought the planet to its knees. We had taken a family vacation to Arizona during the December school break to evaluate AZ as a place to move. There had been some executive level changes at…

Romance is a funny thing…

Why is there a bromance? From my perspective, Joe Jackson’s lyrics nail the romance between the media and Lane Kiffin, offensive coordinator of the Alabama football team: “Is she really going out with him? Cause if my eyes don’t deceive me, There’s something going wrong around here…” I just don’t get it. It’s a love…

Jackpot hijinks

When I posted my Facebook status yesterday, January 6, 2016, I was pretty sure that a good friend’s reply was right on. I wrote: “OK…alright…i know that the odds of winning are 1 in 292,201,338. But you can’t win if you don’t play. It was either a couple of bottles of two-buck-chuck, or this: Charles…

“Never use a big word when a little filthy one will do.” ― Johnny Carson

Note: This Document is rated MA (L) and is intended for mature audiences only; it may include coarse or crude language. -=-=-=- When I finally decided to “put myself out there” via this blog, I had to decide on a Title and a tagline. I chose “Things happen” for a Title and “I can’t think…