First anniversary

I’ve been having trouble getting this started.
This is a hard “Anniversary” to think about.
It has been some kind of year.

It started on Sunday 9/17/23 with a tingling in my feet, that moved up my legs a bit that took us to the ER.
The next morning I woke up paralyzed from the shoulders down.
On Saturday the 16th we had seen the Ozark Mountain Daredevils for the first time…and I have literally seen hundreds of shows since moving back to Missouri in mid-2011.
5 other bands played that night. Several of the players are more than just Facebook friends.
And 5 days before that hellish morning I’d started another trip around the sun.
I’m 76 now.

It was probably Sept 26th or so before I could make myself remember 2 words. Those Two awful, life-changing words.
I’m still trying to accept the five syllables.
S/B easy enough.
I’ve been known to win a game or two of Trivia Pursuit or Jeopardy.
Memory wasn’t my problem. (Although it becomes more of one every day…)

Getting my body to do something/anything was The Problem.
That was all I was focused on.
It was all I could do just to get my right arm to lift off the bed. That took days.
Now I struggle to stand and to make my legs support me, as I waddle around, whether aided or not.

Those 2 words are Always there. They’ll never go away.
Transverse myelitis.
For some dumb reason I thought that maybe looking back at my journal for the few weeks before I was ambushed by TM would help.
All pretty mundane, normal day-to-day stuff. Trip to KC for music at Knuckleheads; unplanned trip across the state to get Dad and bring him to my sister’s; show at The Gillioz; 12K steps a day; and lots of garden activity. Just the normal stuff.

Then I took a peak at the Caring Bridge site that Shelly started on 9/22/23 to inform our friends about what was going on with me. The memories are painful…and the paralysis still doesn’t seem real.
The posts were hard to read….so I only skimmed them
But the comments weren’t…and I re-read them all.
{I love my friends. This thing that happened to me (and changed Shelly’s life too), makes it easy to find out who really cares about you.}
I decided that looking back wasn’t getting me anywhere.
So here’s what’s changed.

My large concert and music festival days are behind me. I really am fine with that. Somebody else can be the oldest person in the crowd.
But that won’t keep me away from house concerts.

My road trip days are changed. My legs just can’t be bottled up in a car for very long. There have been three-night get-aways to AirBnB’s within a couple of hours of home. Soon we’ll venture the farthest from home since TM, heading to the Wichita area for the 40th bday celebration of Shelly’s firstborn.

We’ve had more dinner guests in the first 9 months of 2024 than we had in the previous 10 years since we began cohabitating.
That has been a joy.
But I have to tell them 2 things soon after they arrive: (1) I may have to get up and hurry to the toilet…and I have no idea how long I might be; (2) I have no control over the sounds of flatulence.
When I told this to my friends from Hotlanta who came to visit, it wasn’t two minutes until I loudly passed gas.
My BFF immediately said “somebody stepped on am duck!” and the four of us laughed and laughed. (Shelly and I still laugh about that…and crickets and spiders and frogs and…)

I never was the most flexible person, but TM has really stiffened my body. When I got back in the apt after 38 days away, I could not touch my ankles. Now I can pull my compression socks on and off. It takes awhile.
So does putting on a pair of underwear. That can take a looong time. But I can do it. (Getting them off can be a workout!)

I’ve always had a high pain threshold…and I have dentists in OR, FL, and MO who will attest to that.
But this TM pain is something else.
The burning, tingling nerve pain is always there.
There is the pain from sitting. (Now I know what my Dad means when he says his “butt bone” hurts…)
Standing unleashes pain in the hips and knees. Tightness like they are wrapped tighter and tighter the longer I stand.
Then there is the tightness and heaviness in the back when I stand for awhile.
Some days the worst pain is in my feet.

(I can NOT believe that when I wrote the P blurb in “Through the alphabet with TM” the only thing I mentioned was Physical Therapy. I wouldn’t be where I am now without the therapists…but how could I have not mentioned the Pain??)
[I didn’t mention Spasms in the S section either…and those are quite the treat, especially the first 5-10 minutes of every day.]

OK, enough of that.
(especially that whining about pain…everyone has somethings…many much worse than me!)
What do I have to celebrate on this One Year Anniversary??

  1. I am able to walk.
    It’s not pretty.
    It’s terribly slow.
    First thing in the morning I need a walker.
    Most of the time I walk unaided in the apartment.
    When we’re leaving the property I use a cane or a walking stick.
    When we head for the garden it’s with a Rollator, so I can sit.
    But there is no wheelchair anywhere to be found in the apartment.
    Thank you baby Jesus!!!
  2. TM didn’t hammer me above the shoulders.
    When I talk to friends on the phone, they often say “You sound good.” (I’ve been hearing that since the first week in the hospital….of course I sound good. I have a great voice!)
    I can still read: magazines, books, on my tablet…but I do watch more TV than I did b4 TM.
    My mind works OK…but once in awhile it does take me down dark roads.
  3. I never needed speech therapy.
    I can still spew disjointed stories and go on profanity-laced rants. (I’m trying to reduce the 4 letter words…but the rants and the branching-off-branches are here to stay. Maybe some repetition too…”I’m a broken record”. )
    {And it is a year divisible by 4…in which my prolonged rants can increase in volume.}

I have several friends who I talk to much more often on the phone than I did b4 TM. What a blessing and a joy that has been. They know who they are.

But the vast majority of the calls are initiated by me. (I no longer leave vmails. I’ve encountered too many “mailbox is full” messages leading me to think that people don’t check messages…)
Give me a call sometime. (417-379-6817) Send me a text and let’s put a date on our calendars.

4. I celebrate and am thankful for all the friends I’ve made over the years. The invite list for my wake would include folks from coast-to-coast.
I have a list called “I wanta hear you voice”…and I try to call every person on the list every year. I haven’t been in the same room with some of them for over 30 years. (And unless they come to SW Missouri it’s not likely we’ll be making eye contact ever again….)

5. I’m thankful that Shelly Drymon is my partner.

6, I’ve grateful that Shelly Drymon is my Rock.

7. I’m happy that Shelly Drymon was there for me long before she drove me to the ER that fateful day.
After I came home it took awhile before she would leave me for more than the time it took to make a trip to Aldi and the library.
Now she’s a little more comfortable with being away for a few hours.
I often say that “I’m a lucky old coot” but I’ve never been luckier than when Shelly took a chance on me after I reached out to her on OK Cupid.
We both look at our FB memories daily, and as this anniversary approached some of those from September’s past and my birthdays from were kinda hard.
For me, they evoked lots of Jimmy V moments…laughs, thoughts, and tears.
Ok, here’s the lede:
I LOVE every day of my life.
Some of them aren’t all that much fun.
Compared to the alternative, I’m gonna enjoy every bite of every sandwich and I’m gonna do everything I can to Be.
Just Be.
Love conquers all.

Vote early.
Vote often.
At every opportunity.

2022 Christmas Letter

It’s a JibJab, a short Christmas letter, and a couple of songs that I love.

First things first:

It’s an interesting phenomenon: the older I get, the shorter the letter.

There was quite a bit of live music in ‘22…but not as much as I would’ve liked.
Saw some of my favorite artists multiple times. Saw some folks I’ve listened to for years, but had never seen before. Sweet.

There were road trips…but not as many as I would’ve liked. Most of them were music related, and the favorites were meeting up with friends who had also road-tripped to KC and Nashville.
Friends came from FL and GA once again in June for music at The Rock House. Awesome.

The other road trip favorites of ‘22 were the 200 miles over to visit Dad. I threw him a surprise birthday party at the DQ. It was special…as was everyone who attended.

At 96, he’s still hanging in there. He’s now the only one remaining from the Elvins class of ‘44.
I know how very lucky I am to still have him, as several friends lost their parents in 2022.
I lost several friends and acquaintances this year. Probably every one reading this did too. As Dad says: “the troops are thinning.”
Like most everyone I know, Shelly and came down with Covid. Fortunately our cases were mild.

I didn’t badger friends to donate to The Victim Center’s Wine Women & Shoes fundraiser in 2022.
I’m sure that made some people on the receiving end of this e-mail happy.
But I did try to make up for it by taking advantage of a QCD (Qualified Charitable Distribution) to that and several other worthy organizations.
If you’re an old person like me and required to take distributions from your IRA, you really should utilize QCDs. Reduce your taxes while doing good.

Lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise, on12/16 we head for Gulf Shores, AL. It’s our 7th annual late December trip to the beach, and once again friends will be meeting us there. This year they’ll be coming from: Cumming, GA; Mulvane and Pittsburg, KS; and Reeds Spring, MO. Looking forward to 17 days of hugs, sunrises, sunsets, walks on the beach, naps, and more.

Now for the tunes: two songs from the album that I listened to more than any other in ‘22…“Liars” by John Fullbright. These two help me do a couple of the Jimmy Valvano Three: one makes me think and the other makes me laugh.
John Fullbright – Stars (Live @ 2018 Fayetteville Roots Festival)


I hope our paths cross or that I hear your voice in 2023.
Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays. Take care. Keep in touch. Enjoy every sandwich.

Steve (aka a Lucky Old Coot)
417-379-6817…call or text me sometime!!

2020 Christmas Letter

This is my first blog post of 2020!! I drafted a number of items, but never finished them…it has been that kind of year.

December 16, 2020

I’m writing this from Gulf Shores, AL. It’s our 5th late December trip…and only the second time I have been out of the state of Missouri during this shitshow of a year.

If I wanted to keep it really short, this annual letter would only require six words to describe 2020:
Masked up; Hunkered down; Stayed home.

I had high hopes for 2020 (and not just because of the symmetry): roadtrips planned and some booked, concert & festival tickets purchased, a 30th Year Tax Director Reunion in Sarasota…for starters.

Your hopes and plans were wiped out too.
2020 sucks for everyone, but at least we’re still breathing.
Add those last 2 words to the 6 above.

The first weekend of June was the highlight of the year. Shady Acres Motel. Joseph and his friend Karla. Tom and Gloria. Steve and Claudia.
2 nights of music in the canyon….Jeff Porter…The Nace Brothers.
That weekend would have been on the short list of highlights for ANY year.

Last year’s letter ended with a link to a song that matters and these words:
“Don’t let this happen to you: ‘All the words I never said falling from my eyes…’
Don’t miss your last chance.”

Soon after sending that, and being the spreadsheet guy that I have been since Visicalc, I created a file named “I wanta hear your voice in 2020.” I talked with 88% of the people on my list once, and most of them a couple of times or more. Others only heard my voice in a message.
Many of those conversations make the 2020 list of highlights too.
I missed the “last chance” once. That is one too many.

So now we all look forward to 2021, getting vaccinated, and getting back to some semblance of normalcy.
I hope to do a better job of living “The Jimmy Valvano Three” each and every day of 2021.
“To me there are three things everyone should do every day. Number one is laugh. Number two is think — spend some time time in thought. Number three, you should have your emotions move you to tears. If you laugh, think and cry, that’s a heck of a day.”

I hope you do too.
And I hope to hear your voice in 2021…and to give you a real hug. In 2020, this is the best I can do:

Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays. Take care. Keep in touch. Be.


Romance is a funny thing…

Why is there a bromance?

From my perspective, Joe Jackson’s lyrics nail the romance between the media and Lane Kiffin, offensive coordinator of the Alabama football team:
“Is she really going out with him?
Cause if my eyes don’t deceive me,
There’s something going wrong around here…”

I just don’t get it. It’s a love affair that I find baffling. There is something going wrong around here.

Another lyric from the song: “They say that looks don’t count for much…” In the case of Lanie, the facts (historical and current) and logic don’t seem to “count for much.”

Late in the 1/11/16 championship game versus previously unbeaten Clemson, with the end result pretty much determined, unless the Tigers pulled off a couple of miracles, we witnessed the two talking heads standing in the booth spewing nonsense about Lane Kiffin “redeeming himself with this win.” Say WHAT?

1. The key play in the championship game was the perfectly executed onside kick. (This play was NOT called by the offensive coordinator.)
2. The next play that Nick Saban, the head coach, credited with making the difference was the 95 yard kickoff return that put them up by 12 mid-way through the 4th quarter. (Nope…not called by Lanie either.)
3. A couple of long pass plays were probably called by Kiffin…but they only worked because of total defensive breakdowns. In all honesty, if an old codger like me had been as wide open as O.J. Howard I would’ve scored on those plays. Clemson’s defense was a mess on some critical plays.
4. The Heisman trophy winner had 3 Tds on 36 carries for 158 yards. My Dad, who never-ever watches football, would know enough after watching Derrick Henry for 2 plays to say “give the ball to that guy again….and again.” You don’t have to be much of an offensive football genius to know what to do when you have that offensive line and a running back like that guy.

I don’t watch all that much football anymore, but I have seen several Alabama games each of the last few seasons for a couple of reason. (1) Let’s just call them personal reasons…some people in my life who root against them, and some who root for them. (2) The Crimson Tide keeps competing for and winning conference and national championships.

I’ll admit it. I don’t know that much about football. But I do know what the facts say about Kiffin. His record as a head coach is less than stellar. And as an offensive coordinator, the facts don’t support him having all that big an impact on Alabama’s offense statistically.

All the announcers (not just the two from the championship game) have probably forgotten more than I ever knew, or ever will know about football. (Well, that’s not quite true…for some reason Brent Musburger is still getting paid to ramble on incoherently??)

But why are they so enamored with this guy…I’d really like to know. He’s the only offensive coordinator that announcers constantly drool over. Thank goodness Gary Danielson wasn’t called the game…he can’t get an Alabama series without saying Lanie’s name.

Before coming to Alabama, Lanie had been a failure as a head coach for the Oakland Raiders, the Tennessee Volunteers and the USC Trojans with records of 5-15, 7-6 and 28-15, respectively. (yep, winning only 63% of your games at USC will get you fired mid-season.)

In the 3 years before he came to Alabama the team was 36-4, winning 90% of their games and 2 national championships. The past two years, they are 26-3 (89.6%) with 1 championship.

Of the 126 teams in 2015, Alabama was 30th in points per game and 45th in total yards per game this season. In the 2 seasons before Kiffin arrived in Tuscaloosa, they were 17th and 12th in points; 31st and 33rd in total yards…sliding in both points and total yards since he arrived.

This media fascination with Kiffin is a puzzle. Last night, as in every Alabama game that I have watched, we hear his name and the camera is focused on him nearly as much as it is on Saban. But what about the offensive coordinator on the other teams who play them? I don’t think I heard the name of Clemson co-offensive coordinators even once last night. Lanie seems to have lots of buddies in the booth…but why?

That’s my rant. I’m hoping that Lane Kiffin is the next head coach for the Oregon Ducks. I’d love to see their points and yards per game drop like they have at Alabama as he works his magic.   😉

Here’s a good tune: